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Why not become part of remembering and supporting industrial heritage?

Support the work of the Pen Museum by becoming a member today!

Members receive a newsletter “Pen Talk”, voting rights at the Annual General Meetings and enjoy 20% members discount in our gift shop, plus one free visit to the museum (or for a family member) during the year to view the work of the charity.

Members must be over the age of eighteen.

Annual memberships cost:

Single membership: £18.00

Couples’ membership: £28.00

Overseas single membership: £21.75

Overseas couples’ membership: £33.00

To become a member:

Download and complete a membership form download once completed either pay by BACS [details shown on form] and email form to the Membership Secretary or pay by cheque payable to BPTHA and post the form and cheque to the Membership Secretary, The Pen Museum, The Argent Centre, 60 Frederick Street, Hockley, Birmingham B1 3HS.

N.B If you wish to make a further donation with your membership, complete the relevant section of the form or donate online. If you are a qualifying UK Taxpayer and wish to Gift Aid membership and donation, please complete the Gift Aid section.

Join Online:

Credit/Debit Card

Full Membership

Full Membership (Couple)

Full Membership (Couple) [Overseas]

Full Membership [Overseas]


Charities Aid Foundation [CAF]


Art Fund_
