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“Uncap the past! Support the Pen Museum and unlock a world of history. As a member, you’ll get insider access, discounts, newsletter and more. Join the Pen Talk!”
Members must be over the age of eighteen.
Annual memberships cost:
Single membership: £18.50
Couples’ membership: £29.00
To become a member:
Download and complete Membership Form
Email completed form to: enquiries@penmuseum.org.uk
Pay Online:
Credit/Debit Card
Payment can also be made by BACS (Details included with Membership Form)
N.B If you wish to make additional donation with your membership, complete the relevant section of the form and select the DONATE via CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) donations can also be added when paying by BACS or Cheque.
If you are a qualifying UK Taxpayer and wish to Gift Aid membership and donation, please complete the Gift Aid section of the Membership Form